Annual Meeting Minutes - April 12
April 23rd
The annual meeting was called to order at 7:01pm by President Rob Dowie.
- Baton Rouge Country Club - Jake Cavana
- Bocage Racquet Club - Thomas Baxter
- Country Club of Louisiana - Erin Adkins
- Greystone Country Club - Margot May
- Fenwood Acres -
- Jambalaya Park Pool - Elizabeth Winter
- Jefferson Terrace Aquatic Club - Tim Mercer
- Kenilworth - Cathy Carmichael
- Lake Sherwood - Reed Mundy
- The Legacy -
- Magnolia Woods - Todd Sonnier, Courtney Roedel
- Mirabeau Park Aquatic Club -
- PARDS - Olivia Chenier
- Southern Oaks Athletic Club - Corey Belcher
- Tara Club - Cheryl Mauffray**, Abigail Erickson
- University Club - Spencer Jones
- Westminster Aquatic Club - Margaret Miller
- YMCA of Baton Rouge - Sarah Kelley
- Stephanie Bennett - BRCC / Treasurer
- Daniel Wendt - UC / Secretary
- Bonnie Kersch, Hudson Hillman - Lake Sherwood Acres
The President outlined the agenda with the individuals present.
Review of Prior Board Actions
- 2021 Season
- Dual Meets on June ,5 ,12 19
- Cathy asked about age groups and how that works
- Rob clarified that it depends on deck space. The clubs will determine whether or not they can fit everyone on the deck. The League cares about making sure league events are compliant with Gov. mandates. Large clubs should plan to have a plan.
- City Meet on June 25-27 (if allowed by state guidelines)
- Will need a host club. Championship Committee will go over that info later
- Google Form for club data - submit ASAP if you haven't already
- League Dues: $7 per swimmer
- Fee includes participation in City Meet
- No team fees
- Must have appropriate deck equipment
- Lane ropes
- Starting blocks
- Clean and safe water
- 25 yards or meters
- At least 4 lanes
- Backstroke flags
- Adequate team size for competition
Review of COVID restrictions
- No caps on the # of athletes per lane
- No caps on # allowed at practice
- 50% capacity for sporting events
- Mask mandate - must wear until getting on starting block and put back on upon exiting the water
- 2 lane timers if both are masked, otherwise 1 per lane
- How clubs practice as a private entity is totally up to the individual clubs. The League is not going to dictate how to run that. The League's role is to govern inter-team competitions.
Board of Directors Nominations and Elections
- Officers of the Board are elected for 2 year terms
- Members at Large positions up for 1 year terms
- Officer positions only had 1 individual nominated. Rob moved we elect the board as a slate. There were no objections. Officers were accepted as nominated and there were no objections.
- Member at Large Nominations
- Sarah Kelley - YMCA
- Courtney Roedel - Mag Woods
- Elizabeth Winter - JPP
- Gabrielle May - The Legacy
- Christy Mills - Lake Sherwood Acres
- Rob will send an email for Committee nominations in the coming weeks
Old Business
Thanks to Kenilworth, Competition Committee, and Cathy Carmichael for making the 2019 City Meet work.
New Business
- Corey B. asked if hosting a meet was a requirement. Rob said no and that teams are allowed to switch between designated facilities if the coaches agree on it.
- Tim M. asked about meet day designations. Rob clarified that Saturdays are the default for meet times. The teams can agree to move the meet day/time as needed.
- Cathy C. asked about team census. Rob said we would send a survey out in the coming weeks to get the team-specific info together. Courtney R. asked about getting age group data to help with meet planning around COVID restrictions.
- Sarah K. asked about stroke judges
The meeting was adjourned at 8:02pm